jueves, 22 de agosto de 2013

Wine-Tasting Norton

Norton is a chain of Argentine wines
This year it celebrates 118 years of uninterrupted production
For the tasting  were three wines of its varietal collection

  • Sauvignon Blanc
  • Merlot
  • Cabernet Sauvignon

Argentina ranks fifth worldwide wine production and their best wine is Malbec.

They have an controlled appellation of origin called Lujan de Cuyo

Liquidación del Evento

Pasos para la liquidación del Evento
1. Se comparan los servicios prestados, con la cotización presentada
2.  se hace el calculo de la diferencia
3. se hace la cancelación

Formas de Cancelación
1. Pago Con Tarjeta de Crédito
2. Cheque
3. Efectivo
4. Transferencia Bancaria
5. Cupones

Tipos de Facturas
1. Fiscal
2. Ordinaria

Pasos para Emitir una Factura
1. Registrarse ante la autoridad financiera del país (DGI)
2. presentar cotización de los servicios al cliente
3. Firma de Contrato
4. Cancelación de los Servicios
5. Emisión de la factura

jueves, 8 de agosto de 2013

Wine-Tasting Gato Negro

During the event, we received the visit of Carolina Rivera brand Ambassador.
who we spoke of how their wine production occurs in the different wine areas of Chile.
We also teach step by step how to taste the wines.

Cups Ready for the Tasting

Suauvignon Blanc


Wines to Taste

Bar and Rest. Homeworks

Definition of Management

 List of Ingredients

1. Soles: is a flatfish related to the flounder, usually found near shore in warmer seas and is a popular food fish.
2. Mill: large machine that grinds wheat or other grain into flour or meal.
3. Enabling: to make able to do something.
4. Regarding: to think of in a certain way.
5. Purchase: to get something by paying money.
6. Par stock: a fixed or stated amount of products in stock.
7. Supplier: person or company that brings food and other such necessary items.
8. Usefulness: having a good use or purpose.
9. Perpetual inventory: it is an inventory that never stop is always moving.
10. Further: to greater degree or amount.
11. Disadvantages: something that makes it harder to do a thing or to succeed.
12. Standing order: to have a certain opinion about what to order.


Market List

Standard Recipe

Purchaising Specifications Form

Technic Card

Reduce Cost

1. Market List: with this form we reduce the cost because we are looking for the best option to buy products at a low Price.
2. Standard Recipe: we calculate how much ingredients we need and we don’t lose money buying other unnecessary things. 
3. Technic Card: with this form we calculate how much cost do the recipe and what’s going to be the sale price to have a profit.
4. Purchasing Specification Form: This form to remember product information for storage and source specifications.
5. Butcher Test Card: this forma give information about quality and quantity of the product.
6. Receiving Report: in this form we describe the product at the moment to receive in the storage.
7. Perpetual Inventory: this form help to control the move of the inventory, how much in and how much out.
8. Supplier Selection Card: this form help us to select the best suppliers for the company and reduce the cost
9. Standard Portion Chart: we control the portions that we can produce with the quantity of product that we have.

Technic Card

To complete the technic card should be follow the following steps:

  • Step 1: calculate the price of each ingredient
  • Step 2: an estimated margin of error (10%)
  • Step 3: estimated percentage of cost in raw materials (20%)
  • Step 4: removed the percentage of decline
  • Step 5: estimated ITBMS
  • Step 6: any of the methods of price used to calculate the sales price

Example of a Technic Card

Food Flow Control


1. How do you calculate the sale Price of a menu?

  • To calculate the price we use technic card and to complete it we need to have the unit price of the product and then we calculate what costs make the recipe to this value add ITBMS, fixed costs and variables and Profit.

2. What kind of standars do you need to specify in the purcjasing specifications form?
  • Quantity Standards: Unit Size, Gross Weight and Net Weight
  • Quality Standards: geographic origin, quality, brand, Type and more.
3.  What is the storage method for the following products?
  • Perichable: has to be storage unther 0° C or 32° F( Freezer Temperature)
  • Semi-Perichable: the storage temperature is about 10 ° - 15 ° C, for roots and tubers. for milk pre-boiled and open storage can be hold at room temperature for 2-24 hours.
  • Non-Perichable: storage at room temperature around 25°- 28° C
4. Explain how to calculate the value of the invetory of ingredients.
  • We add up the prices of all the ingredients in the inventory and that is the value of inventory
5. Explain how to reduce cost theift with the formats
  • if we use, and follow all formats correctly ensures the company a reduction of production costs and thus increase the profit.

lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013

Tareas de Planificación

Corrección del Parcial 1

Organigrama de Empresa de Banquetes

Feed Back de la Presentación de Menú

FODA de cada Grupo

Fotos del Evento

Grupo de Calidad Standard

Grupo de Primera Calidad

Grupo de Calidad Exclusiva

La clase siguiente se desarrollo en clase el FODA con las correcciones correspondientes.

Características de un FODA

FODA del evento realizado

Coordinador del Evento

Se encarga de la ejecución y organización del evento
  1.  Expresión Verbal
  2.  Presentación Profesional
  3.  Habilidades para coordinar

·         Planear: previsor, empático, liderazgo, cálculo mental.
·         Organizar: expresión verbal, don de mando, informativo, motivador.
·         Dirigir: evaluador, puntual, protocolario, comunicación, autónomo improvisación.

·         Controlar: auto-evaluación  resistencia física, equilibrio emocional, apasionado, vocación, manipulación higiénica de A & B, creativo.

Agencias de Viajes

Las agencias de viajes son empresas encargadas de la coordinación de servicios turísticos ellas:
  • Coomercializan: proovedores
  • Vender
  • Coordinacion: paquetes


Mapa 1

Ciclo Administrativo

 Mapa 2

Definición de Turismo

de este mapa se desarrollan los siguientes:

Etapas del Ciclo Administrativo

Recursos de la Empresa

Definición de Evento

Durante esta clase realizamos un pequeño taller que consistía en realizar un pareo en donde se presentaban las características de cada evento y saber que evento era para luego clasificar cada uno en eventos sociales o empresariales.

Pareo de Eventos y sus Características.